Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Active Pasive

Dalam kalimat bahasa inggris pun dikenal kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Kalimat aktif menekankan pada subjek yang melakukan tindakan kegiatan tertentu. Sebaliknya kalimat pasif memperlihatkan objek yang tengah dikenal tindakan/kegiatan tertentu dari subjek tersebut.
Contohnya : I buy some drawing books for my little boy.
Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat aktif. Kalimat ini berfokus pada subjek I yang melakukan tindakan/kegiatan tertentu (buy)
Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, perlu dipertimbangkan dahulu bentuk waktu (tense) yang digunakan dalam kalimat aktifnya. Kalimat ini berbentuk simple present tense. Untuk mengubahnya menjadi kalimat pasif, objek dari kalimat tersebut dipindahkan ke awal kalimat/dipertukarkan dengan posisi subjek yang sebelumnya memang ada di awal kalimat. Selanjutnya objek tersebut diberi to be dan ditambahkan dengan kata kerja bentuk ketiga(verb 3) dari kata kerja yang ada didalam kalimat aktif tersebut. Maka, kalimat pasif dari kalimat aktif pada paragraph sebelumnya adalah sebagai berikut: some drawing books are bought by me for my little boy.
Frasa by me dalam kalimat pasif biasanya dapat dihilangkan karena mengacu pada subjek I. maka untuk subjek lainnya, lebih baik disebutkan kembali dalam kalimat pasifnya. Namun, bila ingin dihilangkan sama sekali tidak akan mengganggu dan mempengaruhi kontek dan makna kalimatnya.
Untuk kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya pun berlaku pola yang sama. Mari kita ambil contoh kalimat di atas. Maka, kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya untuk bentuk aktifnya ialah : I do not buy some drawing books for my little boy. Dan Do you buy some drawimgbooks for your little boy?. Bentuk pasif dari kedua kalimat tersebut adalah ; some drawing books are not bought by me for my little boy, dan are the drawing books bought by you for your little boy?
Berikut ini akan diperlihatkan table yang menunjukkan perbandingan antara berbagai kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam 16 jenis bentuk waktu (tense) yang digunakan dalam bahasa inggris.
Perbandingan antara active dan passive sentences dalam 16 jenis bentuk waktu (tenses)
 Simple Present Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice is writing a story book
- Neil and Terry kill some snakes near the pond
- Mary helps John
- Shakespeare write that play
- Tom opers the door
Pasive Sentence ;
- The story book is written by Alice
- The snakes are killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John is helped by Mary
- That play is written by Shakespeare
- The door is opened by Tom
 Present Continous Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice is writing a story book
- Neil and Terry are killing some snakers near the pond
- Tom is opening the door
- Mary is helping John
- Shakespears is writing that play
Pasive Sentence ;
- The story book is being written by Alice
- The snakes are being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- The door is being opened by Tom
- John is being helped by Mary
- that play is being written by shakes pears

 Present Perfect Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice has written a story book
- Neil and Terry have killed some snakes near the pond
- Mary have helped John
- Tom have opened the door
- Shakespear have written that play
Passive Sentence ;
- The story book has been written by Alice
- The snakes have been killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John have been helped by Mary
- The door have been opened by Tom
- That play heve been written by Shakespear

 Present Perfect Continuous Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice has been writing a story book
- Neil and Terry heve been killing some snakes near the pond
- Mary have been helping John
- Tom have been opening the door
- Shakespear have been writing that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book has been being written by Alice
- The snakes have been being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- The John have been being helped by Mary
- The door have been being opened by Tom
- That play have been written by Shakespear
 Simple Past Tense ;
Active Sentences ;
- Alice write a story book
- Neil and Terry killed some snakes near the pond
- Mary help John
- Tom open the door
- Shakespear write that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book was written by Alice
- The snakes were killed by Neil and Tery near the pond
- John was helped by Mary
- The door was opened by Tom
- That play was written by shakespear
 Past Continuous Tense ;
Active Sentences ;
- Alice was writing a story book
- Neil and Terry were killing some snakes near the pond
- Mary was helping John
- Tom was open the door
- Shakespear writing that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book was being written by Alice
- The snakes were being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John was being helped by Mary
- The door was being opened by Tom
- That play was being written by shakespear

Refrensi Buku ;
 A handbook of English Grammar, Slamet Riyanto with Emilia NH and Leila NH, Pustaka Pelajar
 ABC Plus English Grammar, Drs. Rudy Hariyono – Andrew Mc. Carthy, Gitamedia Press
 Panduan Lengkap Menguasai English Grammar, stefhani Ridha Rahmawati, S Pd, PT Kawan Pustaka
 99,99% Sukses Toefl, Tumijo S Pd- M.Hum dan Drs Slamet Riyanto M.Pd, Pustaka Widyatama
 Understanding and using English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Binarupa Aksara
 Fundamental Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Binarupa Aksara
 Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J. Lado, Titik Terang Jakarta
 Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Marcella Frank, Englewood Cliffs

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