Kata benda dalam bahasa inggris di bagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kata benda yang bias dihitung (countable nouns) dan kata benda yang tidak bias dihitung (uncountable nouns).
A. Kata benda yang bias dihitung (countable nouns)
Kata benda yang bias dihitung (countable nouns) terbagi menjadi 2 kelompok yakni kata benda tunggal selalu di dahului oleh artikel ataupun modifiers. Mereka tidak pernah berdiri sendiri. Sedangkan kata benda jamak bias berdiri sendiri. Mereka juga bias di dahului oleh artikel maupun modifiers lainnya. Berikut adalah contoh kata benda bias di hitung baik tunggal maupun jamak.
Singular (tunggal) Plural (jamak)
A book/one book/the book Two books, some books
A pen Pens
A student Five student, any students
A cat Three cars
A person Ten people
A deer Four deer
My house some houses
Contoh kalimat :
I have a story book, the book is not expensive. There are many story books in the book shop
Dani bought a pen yesterday. He has some pens in his bag
Rinto is a student. Tari, Rina, and Tanto are students
Untuk mengubah benda tunggal menjadi jamak, kita tinggal menambah akhiran –s atau –es
Contoh :
Book menjadi books
Box menjadi boxes
Boy menjadi boys
Teacher menjadi teachers
Namun ada beberapa kata benda yang tidak beraturan. Perubahan dari tunggal menjadi jamak tidak memiliki aturan yang jelas. Karena itu kita hanya bias menghafalkannya.
Contoh ;
Person menjadi people
Foot menjadi feet
Woman menjadi women
Child menjadi children
Tooth menjadi teeth
Man menjadi men
B. Kata benda tidak bisa dihitung (uncountable noun)
Dalam bahasa inggris, ada benda – benda yang dianggap tidak bias dihitung. Contohnya adalah water (air). Kita tidak bias mengatakan one water atau two water. Beberapa contoh benda yang tidak bias dihitung antara lain:
- Air - Sand
- Food - Money
- Information - Pasir
- Meat - New
- Mathematics - Economics
Kata news, economics, politics, walaupun berakhiran –s, bukanlah bentuk jamak. Kata – kata tersebut masuk kelompok benda tidak bias dihitung. Akan tetapi kata benda tidak bias dihitung bias menjadi benda yang bias dihitung apabila benda tersebut ditempatkan pada wadah yang bias dihitung/benda tersebut diungkapkan dengan ukuran tertentu, misalnya :
- A glass of milk - Some boxes of chalk
- Two glasses of milk - A piece of paper
- Three cups of tea
Untuk membantu pemahaman, berikut ini beberapa pengelompokkan benda-benda yang tidak bias dihitung.
Liquido (cairan) misalnya; water, milk, oil
Food misalnya; meat, bread
Cunstruction materials misalnya; glass, wood, iron
Natural substances (bahan alam) misalnya; smoke, axygen
Substances with small parts,(bahan-bahan yang memiliki bagian-bagian yang sangat kecil) misalnya; sand, sugar, rice, dust
Group of things (kelompok benda) dengan ukuran dan bentuk yang berbeda, misalnya; clothing, furniture, luggage
Language misalnya; Indonesia, English, japanest
Abstract concepts misalnya; sadness, ignorance, obedience, purity
Ada benda-benda tertentu yang bias dimasukkan menjadi benda yang bias dihitung maupun benda yang tidak bias dihitung. Namun biasanya artinya menjadi berubah, tergantung konteks kalimat. Berikut ini beberapa contoh benda-benda tersebur dan penggunaannya dalam kalimat.
Noun As Countable As Uncountable
Light Please turn on the light Be careful. This forest is very
dark. There is no light here
Glass I need a glass of coffee The floor is made of glass
Iron If you want to iron your clothes, Iron is very expensive now.
you can use my iron Calculate first before you bould
your house
Hair There is a hair in your drink sinta has long black hair
Coffee Please prepare three coffee Do you like drinking coffee?
Bussiness Mr. Harun has along bussiness It`s not your bussiness
in this country
A noun (kata benda) be countable (dengan dihitung) and uncountable (tidak dapat dihitung).
A. We can use a, an, the, one, two, three, four, five, etc + countable nouns because we can count them. Countable nouns can be singular or plural. Example:
Singular Plural
A house Houses
Her bag Many bags
A chair Five chairs
A book Two books
An orange Five oranges
A woman Three women
This student A lot of student
The teacher Some teacher
That is a house
This is a new bag
There is a woman in my office
She is my student
Instead of we can use words such as a piece of, a glass of, a can of, a bar of, a cup of, a spoonful of, a loaf of, a bottle of, etc.
I drink a glass of water
She bought a car of milk
Mother is cutting a bar of meat
There are some one nouns. That can be counted as either countable nouns or uncountable nouns.We can not say a money, an information, the advice, three salt, five air, etc. To specify a specify Quantity of a n uncountable , we can use some of measurenment, such as, a piece of, a glass of, a can of, a har of, a cup of, a spoon full of, a loat of, a bottle of, etc.
Example ;
I need a piece of paper
I drink a glass of water
She bought a can of milk
Refrensi Buku ;
A handbook of English Grammar, Slamet Riyanto with Emilia NH and Leila NH, Pustaka Pelajar
ABC Plus English Grammar, Drs. Rudy Hariyono – Andrew Mc. Carthy, Gitamedia Press
Panduan Lengkap Menguasai English Grammar, stefhani Ridha Rahmawati, S Pd, PT Kawan Pustaka
99,99% Sukses Toefl, Tumijo S Pd- M.Hum dan Drs Slamet Riyanto M.Pd, Pustaka Widyatama
Understanding and using English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Binarupa Aksara
Fundamental Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Binarupa Aksara
Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J. Lado, Titik Terang Jakarta
Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Marcella Frank, Englewood Cliffs
Sabtu, 02 April 2011
Degree Of Comparison
Degree of comparison digunakan untuk membandingkan keadaan suatu benda dengan benda lain, kota/Negara dengan kota/Negara lain, Bahkan makhluk hidup dengan makhluk hidup lainnya.
A) Aplikasi dalam bentuk kalimat (+), (-), (?)
(+) My ruler is longer than his ruler
(-) my ruler isn`t longer than his ruler
(?) is your ruler longer than his ruler ? Yes, it is / no. it isn`t
(?) whose ruler is longer ? mine
B) (+) A giraffe is taller than a tiger
(-) A giraffe isn`t taller than a tiger
(?) Is a giraffe taller than a tiger ? Yes, it is / No it isn`t
(?) Which one is taller, a giraffe or a tiger ? A giraffe
C) (+) His house is more luxurious than her house
(-) His house isn`t more luxurious than her house
(?) Is his house more luxurious than her house ? Yes, it is/ No it isn`t
(?) Which one is more luxurious, his house or her house ? his house
D) (+) Tom is the smartest boy in our class
(-) Tom isn`t the smartest boy in our class
(?) Is Tom the smartest boy in your class? Yes, he is/ No, he isn`t
(?) Who is the smartest boy in your classroom ? Tom is
E) (+) Jakarta is the most expensive city to live in
(-) Jakarta isn`t the most expensive city to live in
(?) Is Jakarta the most expensive city to live in ? Yes, it is/No, it isn`t
(?) Why is Jakarta the most expensive city to live in ?
Because it`s Indonesia`s capital city
Equal/positive comparison digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda atau orang, memiliki sifat/cirri yang sama. Pola-pola perbandingan yang sama adalah sebagai berikut :
Rumus 1
Subject + verb + as + adjective /adverb + as + noun /pronoun (se…/sama….dengan…..)
Adjective ; Sony is as tall as Andi
Adjective ; Your story is as interesting as her story
Adjective ; Sandra is as beautiful as Dessy
Adverb ; Nike sings as beautiful Sari
Adverb ; The car runs as fast as my car
Adjective ; His job is not as difficult as my job
Note: Untuk kalimat negative, kata as bias diganti dengan so
Rumus 2
…..Like or like….. ( sepert, sama, serupa)
My painting is like your painting
My house and your house are like
….The same, or…the same as…(sama/sama dengan…)
My painting is like your painting
My house and your house are alike
Rumus 3
….The same, or … the same as …. (sama/sama dengan…0
This cat and that one are the same
This tiger is the same as that tiger
Rumus 4
Subject + verb + the same + noun + as +noun/pronoun
My house as high as your house
My house as the same height as your house
Rumus 5
….similar (to) …. (sama/seperti)
My proposal is similar to that one
My speech and your speech are similar
Rumus 6
…. Different from … ( berbeda dengan)
Tokyo is different from New York
Indonesia and Thailand are different
Comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda/orang yang memiliki perbedaan
Rumus 1
Adjective + er Noun
Subject Verb Adverb + er Than
More + adjective/adverb
Less + adjective/adverb Pronoun
Adjective ; John is taller than Jane
Adjective ; Indra runs faster than susi
Adjective ; This chair is more comfortable than that one
Adverb ; He speaks English more fluently than I
Adverb ; He visits his family less frequently than his wife does
Adjective ; This year`s exhibit is less impressive than last year`s
Rumus 2
The + comparative + subject + verb
The + comparative + subject + verb
(semakin …. Semakin …..)
The scanner you come, the better you will be
The higher climb, the nicer you will feel
Rumus 3
The more + subject + verb + the + comparative + subject + verb
(Semakin …. Semakin …..)
The more you study, the more successful you will be
The more you speak English, the better you skill will be
The more he rowed the boat, the farther away he got
Rumus 4 {Multi number comparative }
Subject verb Number as much (Noun) as Noun
multiple many Pronoun
Number multiples mencakup half (setengah), twice (dua kali), three times (tiga kali) dsb.
Contoh ;
This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the one
Andri has half as many records now as I had last year
Superlative digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga atau lebih benda/orang yang bebeda
Rumus 1
Subject + verb + the + adjective + est (paling ….. ter ….0
o Borobudur is the biggest temple in Indonesia
o Tha nile is the longest river in the world
Rumus 2
Subject + verb + the + most + adjective …. (paling/ter….)
o London is the most expensive city in the world
o Andi is the most diligent students in his class
Rules Positive Comparative Superlative
Tambahkan -er atau -est Small Smaller The oldest
pada sebagian besar adjective Long Longer The longest
yang terdiri dari satu/dua Hot Hotter The hottest
suku kata tall taller The tallest
Jika adjective (kata sifat) Fasy Easier The easiest
Berakhiran dengan sebuah Prety Pretier The prettiest
konsonan + y, ubahlah y menjadi i Noisy Noisier The noisiest
dan tambahkan - er (comparative Busy Busier The busiest
dan -est (superlative) Happy Happier The happiest
Gunakan more dan most untuk Beautiful More beautiful Tye most beautiful
adjective yang terdiri dari 3 suku Important More important The most important
kata atau lebih Beliavable More believable The most believable
Economical More economical The most economical
Gunakan more dan most pada Hated More hated The most hated
adjective yang berakhiran -ed, -ful Useful More useful The most useful
ing, ish Boring More boring The most boring
stylish More stylish The most stylish
Cantious More cautious The most cautious
Bentuk tidak teratur Good Better The best
bad Worse The worst
far farther/further The farthest/furthest
Refrensi Buku ;
A handbook of English Grammar, Slamet Riyanto with Emilia NH and Leila NH, Pustaka Pelajar
ABC Plus English Grammar, Drs. Rudy Hariyono – Andrew Mc. Carthy, Gitamedia Press
Panduan Lengkap Menguasai English Grammar, stefhani Ridha Rahmawati, S Pd, PT Kawan Pustaka
99,99% Sukses Toefl, Tumijo S Pd- M.Hum dan Drs Slamet Riyanto M.Pd, Pustaka Widyatama
Understanding and using English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Binarupa Aksara
Fundamental Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Binarupa Aksara
Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J. Lado, Titik Terang Jakarta
Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Marcella Frank, Englewood Cliffs
Degree of comparison digunakan untuk membandingkan keadaan suatu benda dengan benda lain, kota/Negara dengan kota/Negara lain, Bahkan makhluk hidup dengan makhluk hidup lainnya.
A) Aplikasi dalam bentuk kalimat (+), (-), (?)
(+) My ruler is longer than his ruler
(-) my ruler isn`t longer than his ruler
(?) is your ruler longer than his ruler ? Yes, it is / no. it isn`t
(?) whose ruler is longer ? mine
B) (+) A giraffe is taller than a tiger
(-) A giraffe isn`t taller than a tiger
(?) Is a giraffe taller than a tiger ? Yes, it is / No it isn`t
(?) Which one is taller, a giraffe or a tiger ? A giraffe
C) (+) His house is more luxurious than her house
(-) His house isn`t more luxurious than her house
(?) Is his house more luxurious than her house ? Yes, it is/ No it isn`t
(?) Which one is more luxurious, his house or her house ? his house
D) (+) Tom is the smartest boy in our class
(-) Tom isn`t the smartest boy in our class
(?) Is Tom the smartest boy in your class? Yes, he is/ No, he isn`t
(?) Who is the smartest boy in your classroom ? Tom is
E) (+) Jakarta is the most expensive city to live in
(-) Jakarta isn`t the most expensive city to live in
(?) Is Jakarta the most expensive city to live in ? Yes, it is/No, it isn`t
(?) Why is Jakarta the most expensive city to live in ?
Because it`s Indonesia`s capital city
Equal/positive comparison digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda atau orang, memiliki sifat/cirri yang sama. Pola-pola perbandingan yang sama adalah sebagai berikut :
Rumus 1
Subject + verb + as + adjective /adverb + as + noun /pronoun (se…/sama….dengan…..)
Adjective ; Sony is as tall as Andi
Adjective ; Your story is as interesting as her story
Adjective ; Sandra is as beautiful as Dessy
Adverb ; Nike sings as beautiful Sari
Adverb ; The car runs as fast as my car
Adjective ; His job is not as difficult as my job
Note: Untuk kalimat negative, kata as bias diganti dengan so
Rumus 2
…..Like or like….. ( sepert, sama, serupa)
My painting is like your painting
My house and your house are like
….The same, or…the same as…(sama/sama dengan…)
My painting is like your painting
My house and your house are alike
Rumus 3
….The same, or … the same as …. (sama/sama dengan…0
This cat and that one are the same
This tiger is the same as that tiger
Rumus 4
Subject + verb + the same + noun + as +noun/pronoun
My house as high as your house
My house as the same height as your house
Rumus 5
….similar (to) …. (sama/seperti)
My proposal is similar to that one
My speech and your speech are similar
Rumus 6
…. Different from … ( berbeda dengan)
Tokyo is different from New York
Indonesia and Thailand are different
Comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda/orang yang memiliki perbedaan
Rumus 1
Adjective + er Noun
Subject Verb Adverb + er Than
More + adjective/adverb
Less + adjective/adverb Pronoun
Adjective ; John is taller than Jane
Adjective ; Indra runs faster than susi
Adjective ; This chair is more comfortable than that one
Adverb ; He speaks English more fluently than I
Adverb ; He visits his family less frequently than his wife does
Adjective ; This year`s exhibit is less impressive than last year`s
Rumus 2
The + comparative + subject + verb
The + comparative + subject + verb
(semakin …. Semakin …..)
The scanner you come, the better you will be
The higher climb, the nicer you will feel
Rumus 3
The more + subject + verb + the + comparative + subject + verb
(Semakin …. Semakin …..)
The more you study, the more successful you will be
The more you speak English, the better you skill will be
The more he rowed the boat, the farther away he got
Rumus 4 {Multi number comparative }
Subject verb Number as much (Noun) as Noun
multiple many Pronoun
Number multiples mencakup half (setengah), twice (dua kali), three times (tiga kali) dsb.
Contoh ;
This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the one
Andri has half as many records now as I had last year
Superlative digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga atau lebih benda/orang yang bebeda
Rumus 1
Subject + verb + the + adjective + est (paling ….. ter ….0
o Borobudur is the biggest temple in Indonesia
o Tha nile is the longest river in the world
Rumus 2
Subject + verb + the + most + adjective …. (paling/ter….)
o London is the most expensive city in the world
o Andi is the most diligent students in his class
Rules Positive Comparative Superlative
Tambahkan -er atau -est Small Smaller The oldest
pada sebagian besar adjective Long Longer The longest
yang terdiri dari satu/dua Hot Hotter The hottest
suku kata tall taller The tallest
Jika adjective (kata sifat) Fasy Easier The easiest
Berakhiran dengan sebuah Prety Pretier The prettiest
konsonan + y, ubahlah y menjadi i Noisy Noisier The noisiest
dan tambahkan - er (comparative Busy Busier The busiest
dan -est (superlative) Happy Happier The happiest
Gunakan more dan most untuk Beautiful More beautiful Tye most beautiful
adjective yang terdiri dari 3 suku Important More important The most important
kata atau lebih Beliavable More believable The most believable
Economical More economical The most economical
Gunakan more dan most pada Hated More hated The most hated
adjective yang berakhiran -ed, -ful Useful More useful The most useful
ing, ish Boring More boring The most boring
stylish More stylish The most stylish
Cantious More cautious The most cautious
Bentuk tidak teratur Good Better The best
bad Worse The worst
far farther/further The farthest/furthest
Refrensi Buku ;
A handbook of English Grammar, Slamet Riyanto with Emilia NH and Leila NH, Pustaka Pelajar
ABC Plus English Grammar, Drs. Rudy Hariyono – Andrew Mc. Carthy, Gitamedia Press
Panduan Lengkap Menguasai English Grammar, stefhani Ridha Rahmawati, S Pd, PT Kawan Pustaka
99,99% Sukses Toefl, Tumijo S Pd- M.Hum dan Drs Slamet Riyanto M.Pd, Pustaka Widyatama
Understanding and using English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Binarupa Aksara
Fundamental Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Binarupa Aksara
Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J. Lado, Titik Terang Jakarta
Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Marcella Frank, Englewood Cliffs
Active Pasive
Dalam kalimat bahasa inggris pun dikenal kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Kalimat aktif menekankan pada subjek yang melakukan tindakan kegiatan tertentu. Sebaliknya kalimat pasif memperlihatkan objek yang tengah dikenal tindakan/kegiatan tertentu dari subjek tersebut.
Contohnya : I buy some drawing books for my little boy.
Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat aktif. Kalimat ini berfokus pada subjek I yang melakukan tindakan/kegiatan tertentu (buy)
Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, perlu dipertimbangkan dahulu bentuk waktu (tense) yang digunakan dalam kalimat aktifnya. Kalimat ini berbentuk simple present tense. Untuk mengubahnya menjadi kalimat pasif, objek dari kalimat tersebut dipindahkan ke awal kalimat/dipertukarkan dengan posisi subjek yang sebelumnya memang ada di awal kalimat. Selanjutnya objek tersebut diberi to be dan ditambahkan dengan kata kerja bentuk ketiga(verb 3) dari kata kerja yang ada didalam kalimat aktif tersebut. Maka, kalimat pasif dari kalimat aktif pada paragraph sebelumnya adalah sebagai berikut: some drawing books are bought by me for my little boy.
Frasa by me dalam kalimat pasif biasanya dapat dihilangkan karena mengacu pada subjek I. maka untuk subjek lainnya, lebih baik disebutkan kembali dalam kalimat pasifnya. Namun, bila ingin dihilangkan sama sekali tidak akan mengganggu dan mempengaruhi kontek dan makna kalimatnya.
Untuk kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya pun berlaku pola yang sama. Mari kita ambil contoh kalimat di atas. Maka, kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya untuk bentuk aktifnya ialah : I do not buy some drawing books for my little boy. Dan Do you buy some drawimgbooks for your little boy?. Bentuk pasif dari kedua kalimat tersebut adalah ; some drawing books are not bought by me for my little boy, dan are the drawing books bought by you for your little boy?
Berikut ini akan diperlihatkan table yang menunjukkan perbandingan antara berbagai kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam 16 jenis bentuk waktu (tense) yang digunakan dalam bahasa inggris.
Perbandingan antara active dan passive sentences dalam 16 jenis bentuk waktu (tenses)
Simple Present Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice is writing a story book
- Neil and Terry kill some snakes near the pond
- Mary helps John
- Shakespeare write that play
- Tom opers the door
Pasive Sentence ;
- The story book is written by Alice
- The snakes are killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John is helped by Mary
- That play is written by Shakespeare
- The door is opened by Tom
Present Continous Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice is writing a story book
- Neil and Terry are killing some snakers near the pond
- Tom is opening the door
- Mary is helping John
- Shakespears is writing that play
Pasive Sentence ;
- The story book is being written by Alice
- The snakes are being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- The door is being opened by Tom
- John is being helped by Mary
- that play is being written by shakes pears
Present Perfect Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice has written a story book
- Neil and Terry have killed some snakes near the pond
- Mary have helped John
- Tom have opened the door
- Shakespear have written that play
Passive Sentence ;
- The story book has been written by Alice
- The snakes have been killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John have been helped by Mary
- The door have been opened by Tom
- That play heve been written by Shakespear
Present Perfect Continuous Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice has been writing a story book
- Neil and Terry heve been killing some snakes near the pond
- Mary have been helping John
- Tom have been opening the door
- Shakespear have been writing that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book has been being written by Alice
- The snakes have been being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- The John have been being helped by Mary
- The door have been being opened by Tom
- That play have been written by Shakespear
Simple Past Tense ;
Active Sentences ;
- Alice write a story book
- Neil and Terry killed some snakes near the pond
- Mary help John
- Tom open the door
- Shakespear write that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book was written by Alice
- The snakes were killed by Neil and Tery near the pond
- John was helped by Mary
- The door was opened by Tom
- That play was written by shakespear
Past Continuous Tense ;
Active Sentences ;
- Alice was writing a story book
- Neil and Terry were killing some snakes near the pond
- Mary was helping John
- Tom was open the door
- Shakespear writing that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book was being written by Alice
- The snakes were being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John was being helped by Mary
- The door was being opened by Tom
- That play was being written by shakespear
Refrensi Buku ;
A handbook of English Grammar, Slamet Riyanto with Emilia NH and Leila NH, Pustaka Pelajar
ABC Plus English Grammar, Drs. Rudy Hariyono – Andrew Mc. Carthy, Gitamedia Press
Panduan Lengkap Menguasai English Grammar, stefhani Ridha Rahmawati, S Pd, PT Kawan Pustaka
99,99% Sukses Toefl, Tumijo S Pd- M.Hum dan Drs Slamet Riyanto M.Pd, Pustaka Widyatama
Understanding and using English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Binarupa Aksara
Fundamental Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Binarupa Aksara
Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J. Lado, Titik Terang Jakarta
Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Marcella Frank, Englewood Cliffs
Dalam kalimat bahasa inggris pun dikenal kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif. Kalimat aktif menekankan pada subjek yang melakukan tindakan kegiatan tertentu. Sebaliknya kalimat pasif memperlihatkan objek yang tengah dikenal tindakan/kegiatan tertentu dari subjek tersebut.
Contohnya : I buy some drawing books for my little boy.
Kalimat ini merupakan kalimat aktif. Kalimat ini berfokus pada subjek I yang melakukan tindakan/kegiatan tertentu (buy)
Untuk mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif, perlu dipertimbangkan dahulu bentuk waktu (tense) yang digunakan dalam kalimat aktifnya. Kalimat ini berbentuk simple present tense. Untuk mengubahnya menjadi kalimat pasif, objek dari kalimat tersebut dipindahkan ke awal kalimat/dipertukarkan dengan posisi subjek yang sebelumnya memang ada di awal kalimat. Selanjutnya objek tersebut diberi to be dan ditambahkan dengan kata kerja bentuk ketiga(verb 3) dari kata kerja yang ada didalam kalimat aktif tersebut. Maka, kalimat pasif dari kalimat aktif pada paragraph sebelumnya adalah sebagai berikut: some drawing books are bought by me for my little boy.
Frasa by me dalam kalimat pasif biasanya dapat dihilangkan karena mengacu pada subjek I. maka untuk subjek lainnya, lebih baik disebutkan kembali dalam kalimat pasifnya. Namun, bila ingin dihilangkan sama sekali tidak akan mengganggu dan mempengaruhi kontek dan makna kalimatnya.
Untuk kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya pun berlaku pola yang sama. Mari kita ambil contoh kalimat di atas. Maka, kalimat negative dan kalimat Tanya untuk bentuk aktifnya ialah : I do not buy some drawing books for my little boy. Dan Do you buy some drawimgbooks for your little boy?. Bentuk pasif dari kedua kalimat tersebut adalah ; some drawing books are not bought by me for my little boy, dan are the drawing books bought by you for your little boy?
Berikut ini akan diperlihatkan table yang menunjukkan perbandingan antara berbagai kalimat aktif dan pasif dalam 16 jenis bentuk waktu (tense) yang digunakan dalam bahasa inggris.
Perbandingan antara active dan passive sentences dalam 16 jenis bentuk waktu (tenses)
Simple Present Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice is writing a story book
- Neil and Terry kill some snakes near the pond
- Mary helps John
- Shakespeare write that play
- Tom opers the door
Pasive Sentence ;
- The story book is written by Alice
- The snakes are killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John is helped by Mary
- That play is written by Shakespeare
- The door is opened by Tom
Present Continous Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice is writing a story book
- Neil and Terry are killing some snakers near the pond
- Tom is opening the door
- Mary is helping John
- Shakespears is writing that play
Pasive Sentence ;
- The story book is being written by Alice
- The snakes are being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- The door is being opened by Tom
- John is being helped by Mary
- that play is being written by shakes pears
Present Perfect Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice has written a story book
- Neil and Terry have killed some snakes near the pond
- Mary have helped John
- Tom have opened the door
- Shakespear have written that play
Passive Sentence ;
- The story book has been written by Alice
- The snakes have been killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John have been helped by Mary
- The door have been opened by Tom
- That play heve been written by Shakespear
Present Perfect Continuous Tense ;
Active Sentence ;
- Alice has been writing a story book
- Neil and Terry heve been killing some snakes near the pond
- Mary have been helping John
- Tom have been opening the door
- Shakespear have been writing that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book has been being written by Alice
- The snakes have been being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- The John have been being helped by Mary
- The door have been being opened by Tom
- That play have been written by Shakespear
Simple Past Tense ;
Active Sentences ;
- Alice write a story book
- Neil and Terry killed some snakes near the pond
- Mary help John
- Tom open the door
- Shakespear write that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book was written by Alice
- The snakes were killed by Neil and Tery near the pond
- John was helped by Mary
- The door was opened by Tom
- That play was written by shakespear
Past Continuous Tense ;
Active Sentences ;
- Alice was writing a story book
- Neil and Terry were killing some snakes near the pond
- Mary was helping John
- Tom was open the door
- Shakespear writing that play
Passive Sentences ;
- The story book was being written by Alice
- The snakes were being killed by Neil and Terry near the pond
- John was being helped by Mary
- The door was being opened by Tom
- That play was being written by shakespear
Refrensi Buku ;
A handbook of English Grammar, Slamet Riyanto with Emilia NH and Leila NH, Pustaka Pelajar
ABC Plus English Grammar, Drs. Rudy Hariyono – Andrew Mc. Carthy, Gitamedia Press
Panduan Lengkap Menguasai English Grammar, stefhani Ridha Rahmawati, S Pd, PT Kawan Pustaka
99,99% Sukses Toefl, Tumijo S Pd- M.Hum dan Drs Slamet Riyanto M.Pd, Pustaka Widyatama
Understanding and using English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azar, Binarupa Aksara
Fundamental Of English Grammar, Betty Schrampfer Azhar, Binarupa Aksara
Practical Complete English Grammar, M.J. Lado, Titik Terang Jakarta
Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, Marcella Frank, Englewood Cliffs
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